วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Data of google

Data of Google

      Lookups Google (www.Google.com) is a website that provides information on the world of the Internet. Search by message. Or characters typed. I find the image or web page to display relevant Google websites have been very popular among Internet users to search for information.
       Google site search is divided into four categories, with each category are as follows.

 Web (Web) to find information in the form of websites around the world by the display will show a site that contains a Keyword in the website.
 Pictures (Images) to find the image of the translation of the Keyword.
 News (News) to find the content in the news. Which the anonymous author news, headline, date and time to post news.
 Web Directory (Web Directory) Google has classified the sites into categories. You can search the web for that topic by category exists at all.

How to use Google search data to the missile.
        Search by Keyword are most often used as a tool in the formal search only. But if we use some with friends. It will narrow down the scope of Google's search, we have information that needs more. Mark that can be helped in the search as follows.
        Search with the plus (+) perfect for Keyword search is to connect with nature. The principle function of Google, then Google will not search for the type of connection, such as at, with, on, what, when, where, how, the, to, of, although these will be identified in the Keyword with them.
        So if we want to make Google search with these words. Due to the importance of the sentences that we want. + Can be used to help with the condition that the earlier mark has a space + 1 space for example if you want to find a site about the game called Age of Empire, if we print the Keyword ... Age of Empire ... Google will make. Find a word is regardless of Age or Empire just might find one, but if we determine that Age + of Empire Google to search all the Age, of Empire, and so on.

Preview the condition (+).

      Search with the minus sign (-) will allow us to cut what we do not want. Or be related to, for example, if we want to find a site about rafting. I do not want. Rafting with us Tak Print this Keyword rafting - Tak (like the earlier mark with + spaces) Google will then search the site for rafting. But Tak involved.

Preview the conditions (-).

     Search with quotes ("...") for the Keyword search is a verb phrase. We want it to display all the words in a sentence without the word as if we want to find a site about the song called If I Let You Go, type "If I Let You Go" Google will find the sentence "If I. Let You Go "as a sentence without the word search.

Preview the condition ("..."). 

     Search Google with the word OR is ordered to find more information if we want to find a site about rafting. In Tak Province. And Prachinburi us Print this Keyword rafting Prachinburi Tak OR Google will then search the site for rafting in Kanchanaburi and Tak.

Preview the conditions (OR).

